For Medical professionals

Independent Research Partners (IRP)
Synexus has Independant Research Partnerships with healthcare professionals. This offers our IRPs an effective and convenient channel to refer suitable patients for clinical trials. These relationships are vital in achieving innovation in the world of medicine.
Partnering with Synexus means your patients and your practice benefit in many ways. After all, that’s what a partnership is all about, and at Synexus we take that relationship very seriously.
Each study we conduct is reviewed and approved by both the MCC and an independent ethics committee who have reviewed and approved the medical validity, as well as the risk benefit profile of the study. In order to offer your patients access to clinical trials, we want to engage medical professionals and work with you to identify patients who may be suitable for clinical research studies.
We manage the patient’s journey with sensitivity in order to guide and reassure them through the eligibility process.
We invite you to learn more about how you can help us with this journey.
Interested in partnering with us?
Simply contact us and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.